The Undies Are Off!
February 13th, 2009
LOS ANGELES – At a star-studded gala event in Studio City on Friday, February 13th, OverUnderWear unveiled not only the largest pair of underpants ever made, but THE new website for original online comedy content
Flamboyant OverUnderwear frontman Louis Iacoviello commissioned the construction of the ginormous grundies to coincide with the website’s launch party. “Yeah, they’re pretty frickin’ huge, aren’t they?” slurred an affable, well-seasoned Iacoviello, aka The Panty Poacher, clutching a bottle of Cook’s and playing congenial host. “Wanna get in ’em?”
As a giant clock is to Flava Flav’s neck, a pair of bright red panties are to the Poacher’s head; and he wore them proudly the entire night, granting endless interviews and photo ops to the myriad tabloid reps in attendance.
Pay heed all who enter… is as they’ve forewarned: SO FUNNY YOU’LL SOIL YOURSELF. This reporter just did.
Tags: giant undies
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Daaaaaaamn... Fitting, the Packers and the Browns.... Very c