archive for March, 2009

Louis does Adam Corolla @ The LA Comedy Shorts Festival

Real TV asked the question “Are you funnier than Adam Corolla?”, and OverUnderWear responded. It’s towards the end, so sip your coffee and be patient!  ‘Non mi scazzare i coglioni!’

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LA Comedy Shorts Festival – The Morning After




The first annual LA Comedy Shorts Film Festival lived up to its promise.  The star studded gala event was consistantly packed with avid fans, ready to see the latest in comedy UNDER shorts.  While there, I rubbed shoulders with Aisha Tyler, Adam Corolla, Phil LaMarr (MadTV) and Wendi McLendon-Covey (Reno 911).  I also chatted it up with Seth Morris from, Ian Friedman from and Tom Hoffman from Atomic Wedgie, as well as agents and mangers from Mosaic Media Group and Generate.  People were interested in me and my work, and I traded several business cards.  “It’s all happening!”

The Festivities kicked off at the Downtown Independent Theatre, and took place at several other Los Angeles Locations.  There were munchies and plenty of booze, and the sponsors included, The Onion, Write Brothers, Kitchen 24 and Affinity’s Real Water .  As far as the comedy, the entries I saw were excellent!  Festival Producer Ryan Higman and Festival Director Jeannie Roshar really picked some great material.  Some of my favorites where award winner ‘A Bit of Counseling’ (Richard Kuhlman and Deb Hiett), ‘The Deposition of Lou Bagetta’ (Tommy Smeltzer), ‘I Own You’ (Jeannie Roshar and Festival Artistic Director Gary Anthony Williams, Boston Legal), ‘Dinner Conversation’ (Jim Cashman), ‘Bill’ (John Salcido and Neil Evans), ‘Boutonniere’ (Coley Sohn, starring Wendin McLendon-Covey), ‘All Apologies’ (Marc Milstein), and the funnyordie pieces ‘Craig’s List Penis Photographer’ (Eric Appel, starring Bob Odenkirk), ‘Smallest Cock in Porn: The Donnie Dolmes Story’ (Don Shelford and John Knecht, starring Seth Morris) and the hilarious ‘Mauled By A Bear’ (Eric Appel). A ‘Bit of Counseling’ and ‘Dinner Conversation’ were my favorites, and they were both really simple, two people sitting in one location.  “No pyrotechnics necessary.”

The response to ‘Talk Is Cheap’ was awesome!  They laughed loudly and sporadically in all the right places.  Even a few places which surprised me.  They guffawed a few times too, which is always special.  “Did somebody soil themselves?!” It followed the hilarious ‘Dinner Conversation’, which made me pretty nervous.  I began to relax once the film started and the audience started responding the way they did.  Afterwards, I had a few people tell me they thought it would make a good feature.  I’m not sure how to do it yet, but I will be giving it some thought.

You can check out ‘Talk Is Cheap’ right here on

Thank you for taking the time to read this shit!  Bye for now.


Squeezing the buns of LA!

OverUnderwear squeezing the buns of Los Angeles!

Bullshitting on the Red Carpet!

Bullshitting on the Red Carpet.

MC Adam (Corolla) was hilarious!

MC Adam (Corolla) was great! He even managed to offend a few people. Imagine that 😉

Shakes the Clown (Bobcat Goldthwait) received a special award.

Bobcat 'Shakes the Clown' Goldthwait received a special award, and I actually understood him.

Check out Doc Hollywood!

Check out Dr. Hollywood!

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